Providing an aesthetic overhaul for a company that deals in digital transformation is very educational. Specializing in backend development and the streamlining of processes, Tenacitics' website warranted a redesign that would reflect their impact and innovation in the field. ​​​​​​​
I elected to take the deep purple of their existing palette, and integrate it into a lighter color palette, with bright, warm accents to punctuate sections and highlight buttons. Below is the sample for the fonts, button options, links, and buttons. Visual elements like lines and circles would wind around text and guide the reader's eye through the page. Building a website for a company that provides B2B services means that I have to arrange and parse a wealth of information in an accessible and enjoyable way.
Here you can see a winding pipe element moving through the sections of the home page, winding around titles and text, and giving a sense of progress, technology, and creativity. 
Sections of the website use customized, colored icons to convey and deliver information efficiently. In the "Capabilities" section below, I took over 100+ company logos and sized and colored them so as not to overwhelm potential clients with the information, but still deliver the impact of Tenacitics' immense toolkit of skills. There is a lot of visual information, so paring down another element (like color) helps make it seem more digestible. 

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