Working with individuals who provide a service is always an exercise in exploration and creativity. The central problem is this: how do you distill a person's essence, their professionalism, their creativity, expertise, personality, passion — into a strong website that delivers all the necessary information? Making a portfolio for an artist is easier, because their work is visual and often speaks for itself. When your client is a writer, or in this case, a scientist, you have to let their words and research breathe life into the design.
Dr. Erum Khan is the top psychologist in her field, working with clients in multiple countries, and having a strong research background. It was important for me to integrate the breadth of her cultural reach with a personalized, dual language logo and a color palette inspired by South Asian architecture. I wanted a cooling, soothing palette, like being at the beachside on a warm day.
It was important for Dr. Khan to have easy to use templates for her Instagram, where she shares moments from her personal life, new research, and discussion starters. Social media provides opportunities for conversation, with potential clients and with colleagues. I provided different colorways for her use, and different formats so that she could frame pictures within a template if she wanted. 

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